Sunday, February 5, 2012

Chapter 1 of Dracula's Ranunculus:: The Boy Who Could Imagine

Once upon an eon
There was a boy with a crayon
Who gave life to everything he drew on

Once, on paper he drew a butterfly
With sparkling eyes
And periwinkle dots laid out like dies
On a gossamer board, endless folds
Then behold!

The paper crinkled and crackled
And then the speckled
Butterfly flew out on a route
Of circles, whirls, and twirls
Barrel rolls and loop-di-loops
Until finally it was pooped

So it drifted down
Like sifted sand
'Til on the paper it did land
And thus began
The boy's plan
To always wear a helmet
In case he drew a ram

-Neil Abellansoa